Red Earth The Movie

Red Earth is a spectacular cohesion of stunning landscape and intense action. Follow four professional bikers – Aaron Butler, Cody Butler, Kirk Meyer, and Jeremy Hottinger – as they ride some of the most difficult mountain biking terrain in the world. Filmed by the Smith family. Produced by Cody & Hanna Smith. Not yet completed.

Outdoor speakers on a camper help everyone in the neighborhood to enjoy the movie!

My son has been looking at campers lately.  The newer ones have many gadgets that I wish our camper had.   Walking in all of those new rigs made ours seem  retro ancient  out of date  And ours is only a 2009! How quickly things change. The outdoor speakers were unique, although something that I… Read More Outdoor speakers on a camper help everyone in the neighborhood to enjoy the movie!

Awesome times at the Red Bull Rampage Track – unique experiences on the road

Have you ever heard of the Red Bull Rampage?   I hadn’t, but I sure was missing out!  Traveling full time brings us to new places and new experiences that I couldn’t have even imagine existed.  When we leave the comforts of what we know and have known, we open ourselves up to not only the… Read More Awesome times at the Red Bull Rampage Track – unique experiences on the road