Psalm 74:17 God Fixed the Boundaries of the Earth – you have made summer and winter

Each day brings new opportunities to praise the Lord. In our praise, we should remember how Awesome and Great God truly is. Read the Psalm below. God loves you. He offers forgiveness for our sins. He also will defend us against those who mean us harm. Trust in Him, He is more than able to… Read More Psalm 74:17 God Fixed the Boundaries of the Earth – you have made summer and winter

Flag Day

 The History of Flag Day June 14th is observed as Flag Day each year because on June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes for the flag of the United States. The first national observance of Flag Day took place 100 years after the original resolution on June 14, 1877. President… Read More Flag Day

Combat Interview of D-Day Survivors from the 116th Infantry Regiment

116-A ON D DAY These notes were prepared by GC with seven survivors of the company. There were no disagreements over facts. The places of landing, as marked on the overlays, were readily pointed out by the men. There was no disagreement.—HQ When the company was still 5000 yds out, the men saw the barrage… Read More Combat Interview of D-Day Survivors from the 116th Infantry Regiment