
By Gabriel Smith The coronavirus is literally causing people to steal things like toilet paper and hoard things that they do not need. Now I am not saying stocking up is wrong, that is not wrong, but stocking up on 100 things of hand sanitizer or 1,000 rolls of toilet paper is not right.… Read More Greed

Seek Peace

Do I intentionally seek to make peace with others? Jesus’ sacrificial life is our model. He made peace between God and humanity and between individuals. Being a peacemaker does not mean the same thing as being a pacifist. We are not to merely pacify or appease others. Our peacemaking integrates the message of the gospel.… Read More Seek Peace

Be the Least

By Gabriel Smith We live in a world that says “be better than others, do all you can to beat everyone else in everything you do, you have to make yourself the most important person in your life”. And all of this is wrong. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility… Read More Be the Least

Former FBI Agent Bob Levinson Longest Held American Hostage

UPDATE MARCH 25, 2020 “Yesterday, the family of Robert Levinson bravely shared with the world the heartbreaking conclusion that Bob died in Iranian custody.  Only Iran knows for certain what happened to Bob since his abduction more than 13 years ago.  As President Trump said, we call on the Iranian regime to provide a full… Read More Former FBI Agent Bob Levinson Longest Held American Hostage