Fibroids – who would have thunk!

I didn’t realize that my increasingly heavy periods were actually caused by fibroids. At my age, I assumed it was caused by peri-menopause. Many people blame menopause for everything a woman does around my age.

Short-tempered = menopause

stressed out = menopause

irritated with spouse = menopause

irritated with kids = menopause

irritated with any man = menopause

wanting more from life = menopause

bossy = menopause

reflecting on changes in age = menopause

Comment below with your “it’s because of menopause” story!

(I will come back to the menopause blame game later in this article)

First of all, menopause is actually the end of the process. That signifies a woman’s body is no longer able to produce children. It is when their periods have completely stopped.

The process leading up to that is peri-menopause. Do a search for more info, there is an excessive amount already published so I won’t go into details. The reason I bring this topic up is because too often, things that shouldn’t be blamed on menopause are blamed on menopause. For instance, I never thought to go to my gynecologist for heavy periods. I just assumed it was part of “that time of life”.

Fibroids – statistically 80% of women have fibroids. I admit, stats mean little to me. How do they really know that many women have fibroids? Recently a large news agency published an article saying most Americans felt a certain way about a topic. When I read the fine print, the assumption was made off of a poll of 2000 people! That statistic is extremely inaccurate and anyone with 5% brain power could come to that conclusion. Here is my article on that! Click here, after you are done reading and sharing this article.

Do I sound a bit irritated? Must be menopause.

Do I sound a bit sarcastic? Must be menopause.

Or maybe I’m irritated and sarcastic because my family has gone through a couple of horrible events in the past two months and I’m extremely tired. Never mind I had an extremely uncomfortable vaginal ultrasound today of the fibroids that now reside in my woman parts. 

If you haven’t looked into fibroids, it’s well worth the research. They can be an issue with fertility, heavy periods, miscarriages, cramping, urinary issues, and I imagine countless more side effects.

Now, before I sign off let us scroll in our minds to the top of the article. Let me address the “blame everything on menopause” mindset.

Copy and Pasted….. now here is the list:

Short-tempered = menopause

stressed out = menopause

irritated with spouse = menopause

irritated with kids = menopause

irritated with any man = menopause

wanting more from life = menopause

bossy = menopause

reflecting on changes in age = menopause


short-tempered = Maybe they pushed me beyond my limits and I became short-tempered. Thankfully that’s better than long-tempered!

stressed out = you are too oh mister man! Should I start blaming it on manopause?

irritated with spouse = you have always been irritating and by the way, I have been, too!

irritated with kids = Kids can be irritating!

irritated with any man = it’s easier for people to blame menopause than to actually admit they were wrong.

wanting more from life = we all should all the time. God has so much for us!

bossy = as we age we know more and want to share it! And yes, everyone gets bossy sometimes!

reflecting on changes in age = looking back on our life and looking forward to our future can be a good thing. Where do we go from here as we navigate the countless changes in our life?

On that note, I’m going to bed but first going to shower to make sure I get all the gel off of me from the ultrasound. I’ve checked the hospital portal about 10 times now, in hopes of the results. 

One thought on “Fibroids – who would have thunk!

  1. Good work, Sheri… Good info, and relatable experiences. BELIEVE ME! 😉 But, also trust me when I share that when the extreme and CHRONIC drain on your body is no longer in play, and your reserves (in many areas… blood counts, hormonal balance, neurotransmitter reserves are able to replenish, all of the ongoing and normal emotional and relational drains and strains are a bit easier to cope with. BLESS YOU DEAR GIRL!!!! I've BEEN THERE! 😉 LOVE YOU! Thanks so much for sharing this so that others, too, can have understanding and not feel so all alone in all of this.


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