Future is Uncertain

The last ten months have been extremely difficult for me. Besides continuing my recovery from a brain tumor and brain surgery, I’ve had extreme life circumstances that have truly tested my resolve and spiritual battle tactics. 

It hasn’t tested my faith in God; I know my God is with me and working in my life.

I’ve wondered if I should continue writing. Does it do any good? I used to think my life could inspire others but after being accused of using my brain tumor as a “weapon” and also having multiple loved ones block me out of their lives – I have to wonder if I should even continue reaching out via my life and story. 

I no doubt have made so many mistakes in my life, some very serious others common. For some people, those mistakes make me not worth having a relationship with. The question is – am I wasting my time trying to make a difference via writing and social media? Have I been wrong about the path for my life?

Are my mistakes too great to do the things I thought I could?

I don’t know where things will lead at this point…

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