Honey-Oat Chocolate Cookie Balls (No bake)

By Josephine Smith 


2 cups – oats 

1/3 cup – honey 

3 tablespoons – avocado oil 

1 teaspoon – vanilla extract 

1/8 teaspoon – salt 

1 tablespoon – water 

¼ cup – dark chocolate chips 

Nuts, seeds, etc. (optional) 



Blend oats until fine in a blender. Mix in the other ingredients. Take the dough and form it into the desired size of balls. Put the balls in a container of a cookie sheet and place them in the freezer for two hours.  

Store in the freezer and take out as needed so that they maintain their shape.  


Really good. A nice little snack that is still healthy – Tytus Smith, age 12

A wonderful snack. That is healthy, and delicious, but not something that you will overindulge in. – Sheri Smith

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