Border Patrol Agents Seize Kettlebell Shaped Meth Packages

Border Patrol agents assigned to the Calexico Station seized kettlebell shaped packages filled with methamphetamine on Friday morning.

 Remote Video Surveillance Operator notified agents of suspected kettlebell packages being thrown over the International Border Fence from Mexico into the United States.  An agent responded and located four abandoned kettlebell packages near the fence just east of the Calexico West Port of Entry.  The agent seized and transported the kettlebell packages back to the Calexico Border Patrol Station for further processing.

At the station, the kettlebell packages tested positive for methamphetamine, with a combined weight of 4.6 pounds and an estimated street value of $8,740.

The narcotic packages were turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

There have been multiple kettlebell 

meth seizures this month.
Taken from the CBP Press Release

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