Staying Strong in Faith During Quarantine

By Gabriel Smith

During quarantine it might be hard to remember to spend time
with God. Without our Christian friends all around we don’t always have someone
making sure we are seeking God. It would not be all that hard to fall away from
God right now. 
“No one will know I didn’t watch the church service” “I don’t have
to read my bible” “I don’t have to pray, no one will know the difference” and
other lies like these will trap us into losing our faith in God.

Would not God discover this? For he knows the secrets of the heart.  (Psalms 44:21)

God knows the
secrets of the heart. Even if your Christian friends and family don’t see you
slacking off in your relationship with God, 
God sees you, after all it is a
relationship with God not with your church friends. 

We have to remain faithful to
God even though we don’t get to go to church and don’t get the same comradery
that we do when we attend. 

In this time, we must ask ourselves is our prayer,
bible reading, and church attendance for God, or is it for our Christian friends?

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