One Way

By Gabriel Smith

On a trip to Argentina I witnessed many people playing
soccer. Soccer is in Argentina like what football is in America. People down in
Argentina are amazing at soccer. I noticed while I was in Argentina that there
is only one way to score in soccer. You can only score if you get the ball into
the net. It is the only way to score. It made me think about the reality that Jesus
is the one and only way to God. The Bible says

Jesus said to him, “I am
the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through
(John 14:6)
Jesus said He is the way, the truth and the life, no one
gets to God except through Jesus. Just like in soccer where the only way to
score is to get in the net in the same way Jesus is the only way to get to God
the Father. Jesus is the only way, buddah is not the way allah is not the way science
is not the way Jesus is the only way.

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