Evidence for God – Miracles

By Gabriel Smith gabrielsmithpro@gmail.com


Have you ever heard the term miracle? A miracle is basically
something that shouldn’t or couldn’t have happened by means of laws of nature,
human influence or anything else, basically, a miracle is a supernatural event. People
with diseases are healed, dead are brought back to life, money comes from
nowhere and so much more. One of my favorite songs has a line that goes “so tell
me how do miracles just happen like that”. This I think is one of the best
evidences for God the fact that unexplainable miracles happen all of the time. Things that people said were impossible happen. The Bible says.

Jesus looked at them and
“With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all
things are possible with God.”
(Mark 10:27)
With God all things are possible, the dead can be raised,
the sick healed, the depressed can be joyous, oceans can be parted, fire can
fall from the sky, the sun and moon stand still, water can turn to blood, a man
live in a fish, kingdoms literally collapse, with God one man can kill 800 others with a spear, a Sheppard boy can become a king because 

with God all things are possible.

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