American Revival

By Gabriel Smith

America the land of the free, but I don’t think I am the
only one who has noticed that in “the land of the free” so many people are
captive to sin, to pain, to depression, to demonic attacks and so much more. In
a land where almost anyone can walk down the street and purchase a Bible, it seems
the book has been turned down as a gathering of ancient myths. In a place where churches can
be found in almost every town, why is it we see so many empty seats?

Of all of
the countries in the world America should be a country which is so openly
Christian that the entire world watches in awe. In a sense it is, but in a
sense it isn’t.

When on a missions trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina, I encountered
much witchcraft. It was everywhere. I was shocked, I had never seen such a
thing. Or so i though, after returning to America, I realized, I had seen witchcraft, just
in a different form. In America witchcraft is everywhere.

You might be shocked
I would say this but let me tell you, it is the truth. 

It is on our music, in
our movies, it is even taking a hold of our culture. 

I can see it everywhere
when I am watching TV, 
when I hear secular music, 
it is not only accepted
in our culture, 
it is celebrated. 

And it disgusts me, people celebrate evil,
call good things bad and talk about how “bad” they are. It is absolutely awful;
America is on a dangerous path that only
leads to one place, and it isn’t a good one. America is already getting
comfortable enough with the evil world that it shows it off, at sports games,
on TV, in our music, in cuss words. It is destroying our country, if we
don’t change now America is going to fall into a place where we don’t want to
be. I have seen what this place looks like, and believe me it isn’t pretty. We
have to fight the attacks of the devil, we have to pray for revival, we have to
stand up and fight, now! We have to rise up and fight the attacks of the devil,
we have to plead in the name of Jesus for spiritual revival in America. So, here
is my challenge America, RISE UP AND FIGHT. Pray that God would change America,
pray for revival to sweep the nation like a wildfire that cannot be put out.
Pray in the name of Jesus, now.

This is my warning dear
friends if we do not change now, I do not know how long it will be before the
country falls apart. If you love America, if you love the church I beg you
pray, please pray. Join me in seeking a revival in America. The Bible says:

Truly, I say to you,
whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on
earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on
earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
(Matthew 18:18-19)
If we ask it will be given to us. We have to bind the
attacks of the devil and cast him out in the name of Jesus. The Bible says if
two of us on earth agree about anything we ask it will be done for us by God.

Let us raise up of an army of believers. Let us pray with faith, please I beg
you do not let America fall into the traps of the devil. Join me in prayer for
a revival for America. Let us pray for thousands of converts to fill the empty
seats of the church, pray for hands beyond count to be raised at the alter call.

We need revival, what are you going to do, will you join me in prayer, or will
you join the cowards of the dark and hide, the choice is yours, choose wisely.

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