
By Gabriel Smith

In the Christian world, it can seem that there is so much
division. It seems as though there are hundreds of denominations all fighting
to tell us a different thing about Jesus and what he said. How are we to know
which denominations to attend? Well, thankfully we find the answer in the Bible.

  but test everything; hold fast what is good. 
1 Thessalonians

In this scripture Paul,
Silvanus, and Timothy were writing to the church of Thessalonica. Whichever of
the three men who was writing at the point told the Thessalonians to test everything.
Well, what are we to test everything by, the Bible. I was once told that the
word Bible is an acronym for, basic instruction before leaving earth, and while
the word bible is not an acronym for that, it is a guide God gave us. We should
test every denomination using the word of God, if it matches the word of God,
then go for it, but if not, do not attend that church. One way to find out a
church’s belief is to ask for the church’s statement of faith. How can we
attend a church which is teaching false things? How can we go to a church
which is polluting the minds of God’s children with lies, we cannot. How can we
attend a church with holes in its theology, once again we cannot. When we
choose a church to attend we need to examine its belief and test to see if they
line up with the truth of the Bible. There are so many good churches in the
world, there is no need to go to a church that is based upon lies. 

Written by- Gabriel Smith 

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