Women in India Enter Temple Closed Off to Women for Centuries

Sabarimala Shrine Temple
photo attribution:
AnjanaMenon at Malayalam Wikipedia

Author: Sheri Smith smith@smithprollc.com

New Delhi in the southern state of Kerala, India.

On Jan. 2, 2019, two Hindu women were escorted into the
Sabarimala Shrine Temple, a temple that had been closed to women for centuries.
The country’s Supreme Court overturned a ban on women of menstruating age,  from entering the temple. It was ruled to be discriminatory
against women.
Since the ruling, extensive and consistent riots have been
held outside the temple in an attempt to keep women from entering.
Bindu Ammini, 40, a law lecturer at a university and Kanaka
Durga, 39, a civil servant, were determined to enter the once banned temple.
The women were escorted by police to the temple where they
entered early in the morning on Wednesday, January 2nd. Afterwards, the two
women went into hiding, fearing retribution.
Protests have been fierce causing police to use tear gas and
water cannons to calm the riots.

The temple is thought to be over 800 years old. It is believed the spirit of the Lord Ayyappa, the Hindu god of growth, dwells there. Ayyappa is considered celibate and allowing
women of menstruating age into the temple would be disrespectful and an abomination.
The local government is run by the Communist Party of
India-Marxist and the temple is run by the Hindu Nationalist Party. 
Earlier this week approximately 5 million female protesters
participated in a peaceful protest, forming a human chain extending about 385
miles. This was done in support of these two women and others who showed great
courage in going to the temple that was once banned.
A chain of women stretching 385 miles. Selah. 

that for a minute. 

This human chain represented so much more than two women
entering one temple. The rights of women around the world were represented in
that chain.

Back to rights. What about the rights of men in India?
While women pursue the right to enter any place of worship
to pray, I must ask myself, will men be allowed into the at least eight temples
where they are restricted?
Will the supreme court rule all temples must be opened to
both genders?
As a religion and society, is equality and equal opportunity
always required? Is segregation permitable in certain circumstances and what
would those circumstances be?
These questions are not meant to disagree with the rights of
women to worship freely at any temple. 
To have a law that women of child bearing age cannot enter a specific
temple is beyond comprehension. Although to some of those who follow the Hindu religion
and the laws and customs of their gods, this law is completely acceptable.
Much of what we see isn’t about equality but about the
chains of oppression being lifted from the entire female population. While American women have embraced the me too
movement, the Hindu women have embraced the freedom of religion movement.
Is it morally, ethically, and legally wrong to permit men to
worship at a temple without women? Yet, in this case it isn’t all women, just
women of child bearing age?
Is it morally, ethically, and legally wrong to permit women
to worship at a temple without men?
Is society required to respect the religious beliefs of a
people group when those beliefs are contrary to other’s religious beliefs?
Women standing up to be heard, respected, given opportunity,
and value is always right.

The oppression of women is denied by many a person,
who have never experienced it, yet it is alive to those who have to live it.

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