Shawny the Sea Turtle

Author: Josie Smith, age 10
Shawny the green
sea turtle is an injured sea turtle at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center.

Shawny is a green
sea turtle found on Tybee Island, GA. It got its flipper stuck in something,
most likely a fishing net. The injury was severe. They had to amputate the
right flipper. Shawny has two bandages on its back with weights. The turtle is
diagonal and with three flippers it’s hard to swim. They hope the weights will
make Shawny up right again.

Now Shawny is
living at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center on Jekyll Island.

Green sea turtles
are one of seven sea turtle species. The green sea turtles is named not for its
color but what it eats. It has a diet of mostly greens.

When I first saw
Shawny, I thought it was drowning! But Shawny was fine. The sea turtle center
is doing ever thing they can to help Shawny go back to the ocean but Shawny
might not be able to go back.

No one knows if
Shawny is girl or a boy. You usually can’t tell if a sea turtle is a boy or
girl until it is old.

I hope this
article will let people know we can affect the oceans good or bad.

There are many more
sea turtles at the GA Sea Turtle Center…………………………. More about them coming soon! 

One thought on “Shawny the Sea Turtle

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