Getting Married and He Doesn't Know!

Gonna get myself back in shape to look good in my wedding dress!

To those who have stayed faithful to reading my posts, no matter how randomly I put them on, I have a huge announcement! 

I’m getting married!

Yes, I am!

My husband doesn’t know. I’m not going to tell him either.

Now, don’t call the psychiatric ward yet. I will be explaining over the next 6-7 months. I’m hoping to get married in January and then take the honeymoon I never got.

I’m so excited. I’m going to get my extra weight off and
get in shape so I look good in those nighties!

There are some things I need to change inside of me, I want to be my best for my new husband.

I want him to think I’m great – so, I’ll go the extra mile to impress him and please him.

New Love.

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