Hard Times are Stepping Stones That Bring Us Up or Down

“God didn’t make me for an easy life.”  

I have said that many times. My life, as well as many others, has not been an easy one.  From an infant, I endured hard times. 

My mother was always a light and a strength and my father, too. They balanced eachother so well even though they were so different.

My childhood was one of constant wood cutting and stacking, gardening, and work.  Whether I was trapping beaver and skinning them with my dad or canning and cooking with mom, we worked.


That was how my mom and dad grew up also. Brick laying and a grocery store kept them busy on their free time.  

In our family, free time was spent working to make money or put food on the table.

God knew what He was doing. He knew that I was going to need to be strong to handle the life that was going to be in my future.

Can we see that? 

Can we recognize the hard times in the present may be just a preparation for the future?

I’m thankful for my childhood.  God knew what was coming.  He knew I had to be prepared.

When I was young, and raped by that awful man, the strength I had got me through it.
While my husband was so ill all those years, a weaker woman would have left him.
While my husband was out to sea on the Navy ship and cute, kind men stopped by to help me, a weaker woman would have had an affair.
When my husband was laying in bed, overdosed on his meds, and I was 1 week overdue with our 4th child, my father had just died and I needed my husband to be strong for me, a weaker woman would have loved him less.
While we sorted and packed and sold our home to move into a 42′ camper, a weaker woman would have said, “forget it”.
Having six children is by no means easy, but I am thankful I can handle it because I can’t imagine life without every single one of them.

God knew the life that was ahead of me.  I’ve had a hard life, but an amazing one.  Instead of focusing on the hard things – I take them and make them into stepping stones that will bring me to the next level and the next blessing.  God has blessed me so much that I cannot contain my joy. Yes, life is hard sometimes, but God has always helped me through it and with Him – I am an overcomer.

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