Got the Itch to Get on the Road!

I drove through the Walmart parking lot in Berryville, Arkansas, and couldn’t help but get that excited feeling.

There were a bunch of campers parked in the very back of the parking lot.  

Travelers – going somewhere.

Our camper wants to be free and get back on the road!

Just thinking about it gets my blood moving and heart racing!  I can’t wait to get back on the road again.  

Our next trip is a short one, only 2 hours away, but I still can’t wait.  We are committed there for four months or so and then off we go again, or will we stay longer?  

I never know.  Only God knows.

It is a life of trust, faith, and contentment.

I chose to be happy no matter where we are because my joy is in the Lord, not a mountain, beach, awesome campground, or adventure.  If I can’t take it to heaven I don’t need it.  

I can’t take Zion National Park, Panama City Beach, Marysville Kansas, or any  other awesome place to heaven, 

But I sure will enjoy them when God sends me there!

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