Love Sin Forgiveness and Change

Honea Path, South Carolina
Reflecting on what is in our heart is essential to a good marriage.
I am about
to start on business work. It is 5:48 am and everything is out and ready to go,
but I know that there are things I need to bring to God first. Issues in my
heart and mind cloud my thinking. The importance of righteousness cannot be
  • I need to go
    before my God and repent of my sin and through the sacrifice of Jesus on the
    cross and His resurrection three day later,
  • I
    can come before God and ask for forgiveness
  • ask
    Him to help me see what I did wrong
  • really
    on His strength and mercy – grace – to not do it again
  • seek
    Him for ways to change and how do I need to do it differently

As I seek
Him this morning, I am not just going to repent and then move on. I believe
true repentance is
  • ·       sincerely
    feeling sorry for what I have done
  • ·        
    the depth of my sin and offense
  • ·        
    God and coming before Him with true sorrow for doing it wrong, whether it be a
    thought or action
  • ·        
    God’s forgiveness and letting His light, life, and love fill that hole in my
    heart that I caused
  • ·        
    in His presence knowing that He does not condone my sin but that He loves me
    dearly and cherishes me
  • ·        
    I move forward and with His help and strength I do not sin again
  • ·        
    I need to ask someone for forgiveness, then I need to do it swiftly and

My sin this
morning is a personality flaw. I’m not sure exactly how to change. I know I
need to word things differently when I talk to my husband about something I
disagree with. How can I still show respect and disagree? Am I being rude or is
he? Does he not like it when I disagree or am I being rude?

Because I
love him and truly am a peacemaker, I will seek God before I speak and I will
try to change.

True love is
willing to give up and to change. True love isn’t a box of chocolates or a
bouquet of flowers.
 I don’t need those things or even want them. All
I want is a good relationship with my husband. I will give up anything to have
that as long as it does not cause me to sin. As I do this I must not get a
victim mentality. It is easy to feel wounded and hurt and react to it and then
feel like I am a victim.

So for each
change he feels I need to make, I take it before God and ask God how to handle
Sometimes we
think we are right and that our spouse is wrong, but what if that is not the
case? What if I am actually doing exactly what I am being accused of?

It is a hard
pill to swallow, but I have to do it. So, I get a big glass of water and gulp
it down and hope that it does its work in my body, heart, mind, and spirit.

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