Newest Contributor to The Lemonade Digest Online Magazine Just 12 Years Old!

I would like to introduce you to our newest magazine contributor, Naomi Smith.  

She is my third child of six great kids.  Hanna and Cody, my oldest two have kept blogs and websites about out trip around the country since 2007.  They both have been published online, in magazines, school textbooks, and newspapers. Hanna continues to write for newspapers, online magazines, and is finishing her first book.

Cody is still a contributor to our online magazine, when he can find the time.  With his new job working for Missouri Dept of Conservation and finishing up his first year of bible school, it is challenging to get much else done.

But now, Naomi has joined the crew and her younger brother Gabriel will even begin to write some.

Be sure to check out her articles at the following link and leave comments there or on facebook at

2 thoughts on “Newest Contributor to The Lemonade Digest Online Magazine Just 12 Years Old!

  1. My daughter, who is twelve, also enjoys writing. I have encouraged her to begin her own blog, but she has yet to start one. Maybe after reading Naomi's entry's, it will be the nudge she needs to join in the fun 😉


  2. I hope so. Have her check out Naomi's articles on our magazine. She loves doing it. She writes her articles on Microsoft Word. She does her own photography and edits the photos. After that she uploads them all to the magazine and has to format her own articles and pictures. At that point I edit for the second time and then she hits the publish tab. It is very rewarding for her.


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