My Husband Put on 12 Pounds Over the Holidays and I still Love Him

I didn’t gain any weight over the holidays! Even with all the cooking, cookies, desserts, and ham – I kept my weight and actually lost a few!

My husband wasn’t the only one to enjoy the holiday desserts!

Last year at this time I was about 10 lbs lighter so my New Year is starting with a commitment to lose that 10 lbs and maybe even more.

Health is the main reason I want to lose the weight.  After having six kids I’m just not sure how flat my belly can get and after hiking in the mountain sun all last winter I am not sure how many wrinkles will go away.

So, I lose weight for my health because I have learned that no matter how much weigh I still won’t look like I did at 18 years old.  And no matter how in shape I get, I will continue to have more and more wrinkles on my face and loose skin on my worn out belly.

Even if I lose weight or gain it, wrinkles or no wrinkles, lung damage or clear breathing –

My Husband Will Love Me

He does want me to live a long time so he exercises with me and encourages me to eat right.  But, it is not mainly because he wants me thin, it is mostly because he wants me around.

He never made me feel fat when I had my pregnancy weight on.  Shae’s love shone through and still does as he helps me live healthy.

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