Finding Peace During the Holidays

With the holidays upon us stress may be also. Why does the Christmas season tend to be piggibacked by anxiety and to do lists that will never get done?

Every year I am determined to just “enjoy” the holiday season. Yet, it seems every year something comes up that makes the execution of that plan almost impossible.

I sat at the dinner table this evening with my arms aching and my eyes heavy with the stresses of the day.  I began to pray and purpose to let my heart, mind, and spirit enter that heavenly realm.

It is a realm here on earth that God joins us in that can bring a peace, love, hope, and joy that we cannot get from anyone, from anywhere, or by doing any thing.  It is not an escape, it is just a place of peace that passes all understanding. 

Once that peace entered my heart, I rejoined the wonderful blessings around me with a new mind and a thankfulness for all of God’s goodness.

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