Busyness Shmisyness

I like to make up my own words.  

I also use grammar to my advantage and do
whatever I please with it.  

When my
husband and daughter saw the title for this post they both looked at me with
that eye-brow down, questioning and yet knowing look on their faces.

Sometimes they think I am off my rocker and I must admit
there are many people who agree with that diagnosis – you know – the off-your-rocker

Yet, most of the time people think I have jumped on the
band-wagon for a better life, one not full of strife, sadness, busyness, and

I am known for taking each day as a gift and using it

How time flies. 
Thankfully it is not as long as a fly’s.
 (There’s I go again, helping
along the “Nuts” diagnosis.)

I watch people and I wonder what motivates them.  When we are on our death bed will we feel
that the life we lived was worthwhile? 
What did we spend our time on? 
What did we accomplish – no matter how small it may seem?

Maybe it is the small things we accomplish that are the most

There are so many things that have no eternal value.  
With eternity in mind – we should plan our 
and life.

Our time here on earth may be training for – forever.  
While we may be here for a time we will be
there forever.

While here today – there someday.

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