Some people say we are crazy to do what we do – they were right!

Sometimes there are people that tell us we are nuts to travel full time with 
eight of us in 42′.  

And over the years, I have come to agree with them.

Some would say those with houses are crazy to not travel full time.

And over the years, I have come to agree with them.

Yet, I have evidence that we truly are crazy to do what we do.

The following conversation happened the other night between my husband and oldest daughter.
She loves to visit with friends and family on facebook and uses pinterest as an outlet
for some of her creativity.

Hanna:  “I found a cool hair style on pinterest the other night.  What do you think?”

Dad:  “It looks like an Indian headband.”

Dad  goes to bedroom and makes a hair band out of his underwear.

Dad then runs into living room area of camper to scare his children.

Children:  “AHHHHHHHH  DAD!”

Hanna:  “NOOOOO”

Dad:  “How do you like the hair band idea I found on pinterest?”

Mom and Hanna think – does he even know what pinterest is?

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