Presidential Inspiration

That is what I sought
this morning while deciding what to write for this post. 
What inspires me?
God, my husband and
children, the mountains, nature, people.
My mind began to think of
politics and how inspiring George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and other
leaders of the past have been.  While studying them they have
inspired my children and I to do better and be better people.  They
inspire us to make a difference in our neighborhood, community, state, country,
and world.
Inspiration    -and
inspiring or animating action or influence.
inspired, as an idea
thing or person that inspires
Synonyms – affect,
animate, arouse, be responsible for, carry, cause, elate, embolden, enkindle,
enliven, exalt, excite, exhilarate, fireup, give rise to, hearten, impress,
infect, inflame, influence, inform, infuse, inspirit, instill, invigorate,
motivate, provoke, reassure, spark, spur, trigger, urge
President Barack Obama
had a vision, hope and dream.  He inspired millions of people in this
country and across the world in 2008.  I remember seeing and hearing
the enormous amount of excitement and support across the nation as the first
black man would become president.  Yet, it was not just the color of
his skin that brought those emotions.  His vision and speeches helped
people to have hope for a better tomorrow and future.
Saying all of this I
better admit that I did not vote for him.  I saw his zeal and
charisma but I still had too many views that did not line up with his plan for
this country.  (I hope you don’t click off because of my vote. I wouldn’t if it were you:) Yet, even though I didn’t vote for him I appreciated
his optimism and desire to make a change.  I believe
God puts who He chooses into office.  Sometimes He gives people the desires
of their heart, whether good or bad, and sometimes He has a plan for the future
that needs to be fulfilled.
It is always easy to go
back and criticize what our predecessors have done.  Tearing apart
President George W. Bush and his policies and decisions were an easy target.
How quickly we forget
that this country and much of the world was screaming for justice after
9-11.  Vengeance was the order of the day and much deserved.  Our
leaders pressed forward to find the people who killed our innocent civilians.  Decisions
were made and wars began.  When I was in the Navy I worked in
Intelligence.  I can tell you that there is so much information that
America never knows and the government could not reveal.  If they
shared the information they had on Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and
other countries, it would put thousands of lives at risk and future operations
could be compromised.  
Were there weapons of
mass destruction in Iraq?  Likely.  I heard General Georges Sada, from Iraq, speak and he said there absolutely were.  They
moved them into Syria before the war.  Read his interesting book on

Saddam’s Secrets

Now, I am not naive and I
know that:
Just because the media
reports there were none doesn’t mean there weren’t 
Just because the
government says there were and then there weren’t doesn’t mean there were or weren’t
Just because this book
says there were some doesn’t mean there were
George Bush not only
faced wars on many fronts but also a devastating hurricane – Katrina.  Besides
some of the huge economical mistakes made by prior administrations that
produced their poisoness fruit during Bush’s and Obama’s rein, there were many
problems that I’m sure were never reported. 
How many terrorists
attacks have we avoided because of our amazing soldiers and intelligence
The troops have kept the
bad guys busy in their own neighborhoods instead of making it easy for them to
come to ours.
President Obama did
inherit a tough job, as did every president before him.  Was it all
Clinton and Bush’s fault?  Definitely not.
Were the problems facing
our country in 2008 something President Obama or any other administration able
to fix in six months or even four years – not likely – obviously.
President Obama inspired
a huge portion of this country that he could do better and make things better.
Was it his fault that
didn’t happen?  Is he to blame?  I’m sure he does shoulder
some of it but there is plenty of blame to go around.
What about you and
I?  This nation was inspired to vote for President Obama twice but
have we been inspired to make a difference in our own personal life, choices,
and finances?
Were the people who voted
for President Obama the first time naïve and believed that things would change
What about those who
screamed for vengeance after 9-11 to only complain and gripe later that it was
taking too long to fight the war, that the cost was too high financially and
with lives?
Just because there are
reports that put a negative light on the different war fronts doesn’t mean that
those same fronts aren’t necessary for our way of life to continue.  Soldiers
join the military with the expectation to die for this country.  I
know, I was one.  When I signed up in 1991 I was willing to follow my
Commander and Chief anywhere he sent me and I knew that I would not have all
the information – because of national security most of us cannot know most of
the information.
We must trust.  We
must give our leaders a chance to do what they have set out to do. 
Will they accomplish all
of their promises made on the election trail?  No.
Will they turn an economy
that is in the toilet into a gourmet feast in a year, two years, or even eight
years? Not likely.
Let’s be inspired not by
leaders, governments, or wars.  Let’s be inspired not by money,
economies, or great speeches.
Instead let’s inspire
ourselves to make a difference.  We all have a place in our home,
community, city, state, country, and world.  We all can make a
difference whether it be in our own finances, with helping those in need, or praying for our leaders. Instead of griping about policies made in Washington –
make a phone call to our elected officials and let them know how we feel about
certain laws.  What about making a difference in your child’s
life?  What about reaching out to a neighbor in need?  What
about sending a thank you card to someone who serves this country in any
Some say President Obama
is the anti-christ while others say President George W. Bush was a loser and
destroyed this country.
I say they are our
presidents and are worthy of respect.  They did not destroy this
country.  In fact, they both have done their best to make it safer
and better.
Wars, terrorists, bombs,
lies, selfishness, greed, laziness, hate, and weather have brought this country
to its knees but we can rebuild and be even better – you know why?
Because we are Americans.  We
must do our individual part to turn this country around.  We cannot
be impatient and want things changed right this minute.  With faster
internet and technology comes a lifestyle of “I want it right now”  Faster
is not always better and  some things cannot be transmitted at speeds
of light.  Some things take time and fortitude.
Buck up and hang
on.  We are in for a long ride.  It will go past President
Obama.  Whoever is his predecessor, me for instance (just kidding),
will continue his dream for a better economy and safer America and they will
have their own battles to face and overcome – with everyone’s help.
I hope I have inspired

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