Love Story – Love to Be Together

Many people are divorced by the time they are married for 21 years.  I remember telling my husband that we need to be careful and not take for granted our relationship.  There are many friends and family members that have gotten a divorce around 21 years of marriage.

Yet, I find that our relationship is getting better and better.  He loves me more than last year and I love him more.

Recently, we got together with some family who came to visit.  They were sight seeing and exploring as much as possible.  I was thrilled they got to come to Utah and see us and such a great state.  But, Shae chose to stay with the kids and I when everyone else split up on hikes.  He wanted to drive us around or explore with his younger children and wife.

I didn’t make him stay with me.  
I didn’t guilt him into spending time with us.  
Manipulation was not used or any type of fear tactics.  

He loves me.  He loves his family.  We are all so close and have a great time together.  

Why would we want to be apart?

(picture above taken at The Weeping Rock at Zion National Park, Utah by
Hanna Smith   She is my daughter.
She does some of the graphic art for me.)

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