Christmas Eve Winter Storm

The kids could hardly stand it – one day until Christmas.  We opened up the name exchange gifts for them to enjoy before the big day – tomorrow.

While the kids played and their 18 yr old sister watched them, my husband, son, and I went for our daily hike.  We barely got out of town when the storm hit.  The light snow fall turned into what seemed like a blizzard.  The wind whipped and the snow blew sideways.

I was so thankful we were not further up the valley towards the mountain.  Safety wasn’t an issue just the thought of having to hike through the strong wind and snow would have been freezing.

The temperature dropped and the wet roads almost instantly turned to slush.  Being from northern Wisconsin, I have seen my share of blizzards and winter storms, but this one was definitely one of the worst to whip up so fast and hard.

What a great adventure and memory but now I am glad to be  back in the cabin – warm and cozy.

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