Love Story – Mountain Views

It is so special to take a long walk with my dear hubby up to the mountains.  

We left the cabin and went west towards the base of one of the snow topped mountains.

It began to snow on us, little flakes falling all around.

We tried to keep our talk about positive things – I don’t want to waste my alone time with him on negative subjects.  Although there are times that I just need to talk about issues in my life and he listens to me, oh so patiently, as I vent and steam like a hot volcano.  If I had done that today – in the snow – there would have been a lot of steam!

After 30 minutes, or so, we turned around and began hiking back.  The view to the east was even more spectacular than the one to the west.  Snow was falling heavily on the tops of the mountains surrounding the cabin.  

The sun even tried to break through in areas to make an even more spectacular view.

Such beauty with such great company.

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