An Early Grave

After having five children I had retained about 10 lbs extra from the last three. Getting pregnant with my sixth with so much weight on from the start and then getting put on steroids – was more than I could conquer.
The busyness of life and stress kept me from losing the weight I had gained from all six and the steroids.  The day finally arrived that I said to myself,

I am valuable.
I am needed.
I am worthy of time and effort.

I want to live long.
I want to sing songs.
I want to live a life worth living.
Nothing with stop me.

Nothing will slow me down.
No boundaries, only tall fences that I will build.
No limits to what I can do.

Choices worth making.
Chances worth taking.

I will not go to an early grave.
I will live an active life with my family.

I can’t do it alone but I will if I must.
There is strength in numbers even if there are two.

Learn. Research. Challenge my ways.

I will never be the same.
For more on how I lost over 60 lbs, go to my online magazine

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