Canyon Overlook Trail at Zion National Park Adventure

Sometimes traveling is so exhausting. When we get to a new place we have to fight the urge to see everything and do everything. Can you imagine being on a constant sightseeing trip – for over four years!  I remember going on a two week vacation and then getting back to the house and thinking I need a vacation from my vacation!

Well, today we wanted to go to Zion National Park again.  We were heading to St. George to pick up some groceries from Sam’s Club,(for those of you from St. George, I realize now there is no Sam’s Club there), and our camera’s from Best Buy and thought we would go to Zion first.  

The traffic in Zion was crazy.  It is still the busy season and I am beginning to wonder when Zion’s busy season will end? So, we were thrilled when the full parking lot for the Canyon Overlook Trail had a car pull out while we were waiting in line to drive through the tunnel.

No one tried to pull in front of us and steal the spot so that made it even better!

The hike was great for the entire family.  Even our three year old walked the entire way.  The overlooks and vistas were unique and stunning.

While hiking back, Naomi and I jumped as we both saw a snake wriggle through the bushes. Both of us took off running after I picked up Tytus by the arm.  We didn’t take the time to see if it was a rattlesnake or not!

It had a constant flow of traffic. It got to the point where if I stopped and waited for everyone to pass us that we would still be hiking
There were many natural playgrounds on the hike.

Hiking under an overhang was a unique experience.

With many dangers, we had to keep a very close eye on the kids.

It was a treat to see a bunch of Desert Bighorn Sheep.
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But the day didn’t end there. We drove into Washington to get our groceries to find out there was no Sam’s Club!  At least Best Buy had our camera’s fixed and NOT ready to go. What?  I had called and confirmed that both cameras were at the store from being repaired and ready to pick up.  So when the Geek Squad worker told me one camera was at another store, I calmly replied,

” Sir, I confirmed on the phone with someone from this store, that our cameras were here and ready to go.  Now, I am not leaving this store without two cameras.  You might want to get a manager on this because I have a lot of small children and they get ornery real fast.”

I didn’t act rude, or be mean, I just stated a fact.  He looked at me and quickly got his manager.

Since there wasn’t a Sam’s Club, we went to Cosco.  I had a lot of favor there:)  Even though I didn’t get a card or the groceries I had planned on, they did let me purchase a few groceries with the manager’s special code and I got the pizzas to eat on the way home!

It was a great day.

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