Sometimes We are just NOT WANTED!

The majority of our trip has been a wonderful experience. Seeing so many amazing place, meeting the hundreds of special people who have crossed our path – have made this trip exceptional. Yet, there are times that are horrible, either physically, emotionally, or both.

This time it was emotionally. At this point all the advice and well meaning comments come to mind and even more importantly, all the scripture that has been planted in my heart comes out.

  • Do not grow weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you do not lose heart.   -God
  • Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you because of Me.   -God
  • If we are pleasing the world then we are not following Christ.   – God
  • be thick skinned  -friend
  • don’t wear my emotions on my sleeves.  -family
  • people can only hurt me if I let them.  -friend
I could go on for hours sharing all the encouraging words that help us through hard times. And, I must admit, I did not handle this situation like I should of. My emotions got the best of me and I cried my eyes out. I got angry and had to try really hard to forgive.
Leaving Colorado was very difficult. Our time spent there was some of the best on our entire trip. My heart continually revisits the aspen forest the kids and I found in the mountains near Mancos. Looking out over the meadows high in the ponderosa pines. So, when the time came to pack up and move on, we were all quite sad. There was not much of a choice to leave though, we had already had one big snow storm and another was coming in two days. We knew this one we might not make it out after.
I spent time making our plans for the winter and now changed them to head back to Missouri (see previous post).

It was sad that upon our arrival, the campground we came to ended up treating us terribly.  They had made promises to us and did not keep their word.

We left abruptly and stayed at my mother’s.  During that time some dear friends hurt me and I had to deal with that.  Once we left my mother’s, I knew I needed some private time – life on the road is anything but that.

Things are better and my heart is healing….the woods help with that.

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