The Pony Express Rides Again! Marysville, Kansas

Traveling this great country brings such amazing experiences.  Getting to enjoy the actual place where the Pony Express got its start.  Of course, the actual riders began in St. Joe, but Marysville is where so many of the important historical events happened. 

There is still the real Pony Express Barn that has turned into a museum.  I love taking the kids to the actual location where history happened.  Instead of just reading it in a book, which we do also, we get to hike, walk, explore, and study the original places.

It is not a huge museum, but very informative.  I recommend everyone go to this wonderful town and please, don’t miss this museum!

The city pool is wonderful. We bought a season pass for our short stay as it
was less expensive than daily passes.

There is a little sod house to look at in the park.

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