Who Am I?

The longer I am a wife and mother, the farther away I get from the person I used to be.  But, society makes it seem like this is a bad thing.  I look back to who I was before my husband and children and I don’t want to go back to those days.  Over the past 19 years I have become a better person; kinder and gentler, more thoughtful and caring.  I have become stronger in spirit and body, yet weaker in the sense of realizing my limitations in knowledge and wisdom. Farragut State Park Idaho
My parents planted seeds of goodness, kindness, hard working, and love.  Yet, it has taken many years for tthose seeds to grow – and still have much more to mature.
There is so much in this world I do not know and never will.  But, as a woman, mother, and wife, I finally feel like I am getting the hang of this.  I find that things I once didn’t have an answer for, I am able to handle quickly and decisively. 

I don’t feel I have lost myself in being a wife and mother, in fact, I have found the best me, the best parts of my inmost being have come out and hopefully, over time, the bad will be totally gone.

Finding fulfillment in my daily life, in who I am today, not who I once was, or who I am apart from my husband and children, is so important – in fact vital to my existence.  It is who I am now, today that matters.  I am a woman; strong and sure; smart and talented; wise yet humble.  I am at my best when I am fulfilling my daily life and walking in joy within my home.

Sheri sits on bull in chutes at ranch in Texas

Finding “ourselves” can be the best adventure ever.  There is such freedom in being who God made you to be.  God is a fun God and has great plans for us.  

I had a blast being “me” as I sat on a bull at a ranch in Texas!

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