Heading North This Time of Year

Crazy is an adjective used to describe us for numerous reasons.  I am about to give you another…

We headed NORTH
a couple weeks ago, to stay in Wisconsin for a month or two. 
Yes, you read it right. 
We headed NORTH!
This time of year most RVers are heading south to get a spot at the quickly filling campgrounds.  There aren’t a lot of places to spend a warm winter, so reservations are a good idea.
But, of course, we just couldn’t do the norm.  Instead, we packed our bags, left our camper behind and made the long trip to northern Wisconsin.  You see, it has been six years since I have seen my Grandma and I decided I didn’t want to wait another winter.  So we winterized our camper, left it at a friends, and headed north.  This is the first time away from our home on wheels in over two years.
After three days on the road, in motels, and with family, I told my husband,
“I am never traveling without the camper again!”
It took us sooooo long to get to our destination.  On day two we stopped almost every 45 minutes for the 4P’s
We left a trail of bodily fluids from Missouri to Wisconsin.  I have children of all ages, and getting them on a potty cycle is almost impossible.  So, we decided to enjoy the trip no matter how long it would take or how gruelling it would be.
The good news is that we found a cabin to rent for a month!  It feels so weird to stay in a house again.  We actually have privacy and peace and quiet again! 
And, with visiting family comes the faithful sicknesses.  It seems when ever we visit family we get sick.  Why is that!?  So we enjoy the cabin while we are cough, snort, and wheeze!

2 thoughts on “Heading North This Time of Year

  1. We love reading your blog. The kids keep telling me that they hope we cross paths someday, you guys are such a wonderful family, such wonderful examples for others! This last post is so funny and reminds me of my own family, while traveling as a child, with 5 siblings, we were always stopping. Have a wonderful time in WI with your family.Suzanne


  2. Thank you for the encouragement. Maybe we will cross paths this year. Send me an email some time with the state you are going to be in for Jan. and Feb. Maybe we'll be in the same part of the country! Our time in WI has been great. Visiting family and friends is wonderful. But, our independent lifestyle makes it hard sometimes to go back to an area and have people “in our business”. It can be challenging, but a challenge worth taking on! Have a great Christmas…Sheri


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