Pt. 2 I've Never Been So Hairy in my Life!

Why did I never think of this?  I guess I should
have a long time ago.  

You see, it’s not that I want to be hairy.  I don’t think it is attractive
to have long hair on my legs and under my arms.  It’s just that I don’t
have much free time anymore.  I can’t seem to do it all, so my hairy legs
get the short end of the stick.

Now that baby is one year old, I hope to have a little bit more time to tend to
other things besides him as well as my other five children.  My husband isn’t sick anymore and he seems to
be helping with the children more than he used to, so hopefully I will have
more time. 

I was at my mother’s house camping in her driveway recently and she brought out
this electric razor to show Hanna.  She can use it in the shower or
out.  What a great idea?!

Last weekend I went to the grocery store and bought an electric razor.  It
works great!  I sat on the bed and shaved both legs without water or
soap.  I just ran it up my legs and done!

I couldn’t believe how long a few of the hairs were!  Yikes!  But now
I hope to keep the hair short.  It should be much easier now that I have
my electric razor.  And by the way, I am not getting paid to say all of
this.  Although if someone wants to pay me, I’ll take the money!  He

It is hard to shave well in the small camper shower.  The lighting isn’t the best so many hairs are
missed.  Sometimes I shave outside with a
bucket of water to rinse the razor. 
maybe I won’t have to do that.

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