How Do I Get Patience?

I have heard so many people say, “Don’t pray for
patience.  Then God will give you hard times to make you more
patient.”  I know those people are joking, somewhat.  Still, I
do pray for patience.  I believe that I have the Holy Spirit inside of
me.  The fruit of the Holy Spirit are Love, Joy, Patience, Kindness,
Goodness, Faithfulness, and Self Control.  So, I believe that I have all
the patience I can ever need right inside of me.  So, how do I get it
out?  Prayer, choices, tapping into that deep sense of peace and patience,
endurance and faithfulness.  I pray, “Lord, help me walk in the fruit
the Spirit which you have placed inside of me.”

Now, I’m sure everyone that I know would tell you I am a very patient person,
yet not perfectly patient.  That is why I am writing about patience. 
Lately, my patience has been running thin.  I don’t seem to have the time
to really answer the ones I love in the most loving way that I could.  I
need to take more time for an appropriate response.  I know I have been
short with my dear hubby.  I just need to get some major projects done
before we can move in our camper again.  

Once I get that done, it will be
better…….but what about today.  

Do I sacrifice today for

What if there is no tomorrow?  

Or what if tomorrow is as
crazy as today was?  

I need to remember that I will never have today
again.  I know I got a lot done, but did I sacrifice the patience I needed
to have for my loved ones for completing a project?

Yikes, I guess I am setting myself straight…..I will try to apply it to


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