Lost Dutchman State Park, AZ

We had a great time at Lost Dutchman State Park, southeast of Phoenix.  It has some nice, private sites but no hook ups.  We were very ready for some privacy and family time.  Doing volunteer work for 4 months, we needed a break.  This was a great place to do it.  Although, I learned that my hair can only go so many days without being washed before I go crazy! 

Our first day there, we saw a rattlesnake right on the edge of the main Discovery Trail.  I had been told the snakes were coming out now.  As soon as the weather warms, they stop hibernating and come out for their first meal.  Many people said that they are more aggressive and their venom is more potent when they first come out.  Whether that is actually true I do not know.  All I know is that I don’t want to be near them either way! 

We enjoyed biking and walking on the roads around the camp.  After finding the snake, I kept off the trails for the most part.  The sunrises and sunsets are stunning over Phoenix and Superstition Mountain. 

I kept getting lost in Apache Junction!  I just could not get the roads there.  Of course, I always forgot the map and gps.  I would eventually find my way to where I wanted to go, though.  One day, we were coming back from further east of town.  I need to get back to Lost Dutchman.  I took a wrong turn at a stop light.  I was on the phone with my mom when I said, “Mom, I am on the wrong side of the mountain!!  I knew I needed to on the left side of the “Flat Iron”.  We continued down and around on a road in the desert.  I seemed to be heading in the direction I wanted?!  It came to a T, so I went right.  As I continued, it turned into a dirt road.

I started to get a little nervous at this point.  Our big, 15 passenger van is not the easiest to do a Y turn with or back up a long ways, so I was concerned at how this road would turn out.  Sometimes in Arizona, there are roads with huge washes in them.  My van is not 4 wheel drive, AT ALL  (although Shae acts like it is sometimes!)
When I saw this sign I was ready to turn around.  Cody told me to wait and ran ahead to see what the road was like.  He told me we could handle it, so I continued on.
It turned out ok and we even saw a few coyotes.
We did eventually find our way back to the campground, the long way.  It was one of those adventures we’ll never forget and don’t care to repeat.

The guys climbed to the top of the “Flat Iron”.  It was a good hike
with gorgeous views.

We made a knight’s armor for Gabriel. He wore it to the
Renaissance Festival.  He and Naomi rode their
bikes around the campground and he
pretended to do a jousting competition.

Since we didn’t have full hookups, Cody pulled the poop tank to the dump station,
which didn’t go so well.
To hear the entire story go to our online magazine for his article.

There was a great blacksmith’s shop down the road.  

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