Oregon and Northern California

La Pine State Park, Oregon

The kids dug a “Fox Hole” to play in.

Biggest Ponderosa Pine in Oregon near La Pine State Park

We’ve tried to start cleaning up the garbage at whatever attraction we go to. Shae found a piece of paper and decided to read it! Be careful what you throw on the ground!

We have gone through Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Northern California, and now in Nevada. I haven’t blogged for every day or every adventure. It is hard to find the time, but I do try to stay faithful to blogging every few days. So much happens in such a short amount of time, it is hard to write it all down.

Oregon is so beautiful. We didn’t get over to the coast at all, but sure enjoyed the east side of the Cascades. It is a little creepy when you think about how you are driving right by all of these active volcanos, but we had to just hope that some scientist somewhere is keeping a close eye on them. I had the same feeling when we were at Yellowstone National Park. Kind of like, “What in the heck are we doing here?” I have never lived around volcanos, just tornados and earthquakes, so this was a new natural disaster to have to deal with. Thank goodness there were no eruptions when we were in Washington or Oregon…ha ha.

Anyways, the rolling hills, the small towns that dotted our way. Then the beautiful forests and rivers that wind through them. Crater Lake National Park was stunning. The drive to it was almost better! The valleys are breath taking.

Our family at Crator Lake National Park, Oregon

We camped at two state parks. They give service connected disabled veterans 10 nights free every month! Can you believe that! What a state! We were so blessed by that! It is nice to know they appreciate their veterans. La Pine State Park was great. The rivers and streams were gorgeous. We hiked to a few of them and then to some water falls. Oh, it was my favorite place, yet. Shae and I loved it. It wasn’t that the falls were the most spectacular falls, just the whole setting was perfect. There were tufts of grass on top of soft soil that led down to the clearest water you can imagine. We walked right up to the falls and could even touch them. Oh, it must be wonderful in the summertime. We might even be able to swim to the falls!

We left there and went two hours south to Collier State Park. It wasn’t quite as nice as La Pine. There is a river and bridge that goes right next to the campground. Once again, just beautiful.

We went to the Logging Museum there. It was free and well worth the visit.

Logging Museum

Bad weather is on its way. So, we are trying to get south fast! We have had snow numerous times and know one of these days we might not be able to get out of it!

We headed into northern California. There was a check point as we entered the state. They took my avocadoes! I was disappointed. I think they probably took tomatoes from someone, hamburger from someone else, tortillas from another, and lettuce from yet someone else. Late at night they ate tacos! Well, that is my theory anyways. We stayed at a nice campground on the way south, in Likely. Town of 100! It was a nice campground with a beautiful pond and golf course.

Cody found a monster frog!
We are still on the run to get south, the weather hot on our tails or maybe I should say – cold on our tails!

 I better get to bed soon, need to drive tomorrow!

Sleep tight,

2 thoughts on “Oregon and Northern California

  1. Yeah, those campgrounds were great. I really enjoyed Oregon. We definitly need to go back to La Pine State Park, maybe when it's a little bit warmer though so we can go swimming at the falls!


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