We Are A Great Creation

Women are one of two of God’s greatest creations. The bible says we are created
in His image! Imagine that! God didn’t make a mistake when he made you. He made
you just the way He wanted to; your hair color, eye color, height, laugh, even the
way you walk. He made it all. He also made our bodies to go through certain
cycles. We are born and have to learn to speak, crawl, and walk. Then on to
learning how to play, share, run, jump, and skip. On to the next step of
becoming a young lady, getting our periods, noticing curves we didn’t have
before. Finding who we are alone, and then with our spouse. Some women have
children, others not. We grow, learn, mature. Life gets busy until we realize
just how short life is. We notice changes again. Maybe some that are not quite
so comfortable. Menopause starts with a vengeance or maybe just a soft whisper.
Was it a flaw in God’s design? Has He gone awry? No, beautiful woman. God made
no mistake in menopause. It is His natural process of a woman’s life. Sometimes
it is harder than what we would like. I hope that you can find ways to make it
easier. God has wonderful herbs to ease some of the symptoms. 

Praying and
asking for His help is a wonderful way to cope. Just remember, it only lasts
for a time, then onto the next amazing time of your life. Hang in there. You
are like a caterpillar in a cocoon. Next you will become the beautiful
butterfly that you are destined to be.


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